
I feel I should be knitting.

On the eve of hitting that milestone: 21 weeks.  I have decided on three things:

  1. Watching One Born Every Minute makes me cry, my toes curl and turn to my husband and ask why? WHY? For the love of cheese & biscuits why?  
  2. My osteopath is lovely.  We talk about settling babies, hideous maternity clothes and heartburn. Makes for massaging my pelvic region a little less awkward. I may need to wear a brace and I am compiling that fact to my ongoing list of Loz is ravishing: she has a hobble and needs a brace.
  3. My cravings have subsided. Which is lucky for said husband, because he said he felt like he has eaten a salt lick last week.  
Also to this list, is my lack of house-y like duties.  It says a lot, when your four year old announce that "MUM!THIS WASHING HAS BEEN DRYING HERE FOR THREE DAYS!"

I can't even wallow in self pity on Wednesday nights with a bag o' cheezels and Offspring.  Have you watched The Bachelor? These girls know right?  That even he has no idea what has been planned on their dates?  He was out getting his teeth vaselined and practising handing roses to the mirror.  That when reality really hits, their dates will consist of wilted servo carnations and leaving the loo seat up?

It is clear, from that above paragraph.  I need to turn the telly off and read my Birth Skills book.

Which reminds me.

Sparkles.  Oh the one with the ultra-kicky legs at 4am.  The one that joins in at loon hour and makes me exclaim NO! YOU'RE SUPPOSED to be the second child of calm everyone promised me.  Oh Sparkles.  Have a busy week of appointments next week.  Big scan on Monday, where we hook our eyes to the small screen and exhale when all growing bits are growing in the right places etc.  Where hopefully he/she is feeling like sharing whether he or she is a he or she.

Plans have me orchestrating Operation: Nursery.  Storage has been devised and I am pinning unrealistic ideas on Pinterest.  I spent a good hour of my life thinking about constructing a mobile.  Considering I sewed my embroidery accidentally onto my primary school dress.. I am seeing a trip to made-it in my future.  I feel I should be knitting.  

Instead today, I sat in my car, inhaled a crunchie and congratulated myself for not crying in the really sore bits at the osteo today.  

So. 21 weeks hey Sparkles?  

Sorry, Mum can't knit anything but dodgey scarves and I once tried crochet.  It didn't end well.

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