
Ladies Day.

Another time, on another blog.. I used to raise a hand to Friday and give it a triumphant HIGH FIVE! But alas, I started a new blog and Fridays quickly became Ladies Day.

Ah what now? 

Ladies day is where EG & I choose all things that ladies like.  With a 4 year old that quickly makes a list offering: popcorn, movie and please can I have another Filly, mum?  Chris teaches in the city all day, and he doesn't come home until Charlie-puppy is tucked up with his Milo with the newest edition of "Savings Plan for dogs that eat ALL THE THINGS"

So what's been happening around the traps?

Big news on the girl bits/boy bits department.  It's A GIRL! sisters! Chris is mud mapping a Man Cave and I am already concerned over the one bathroom situation we have.  I have firm memories of hallways fights with my sister on the race to the shower.  But, sisters! Can you believe?  EG jumped into the air when we told her, and tells me daily that she's excited to have a sister.  We had a scan at 21 weeks and judging by the rate of kung-fu moves per minute... we do not have a quiet one on our hands.

I feel content in knowing.  So beautiful.  It is truly amazing, this whole carrying a baby business.

These, my friends.  Are Filly's.  They are $3 and sold at woolies.  They are also EG's favourite things.  I bought them a special tin today.  Why?


Charlie ate the leg off a Sylvanian.  Enter stage left: dad.  Furniture maker, business man and Sylvanian crutch maker.

He went on a voyage to Kindergarten in The Me Bag.  A show and tell bag, that EG decided to fill up with the contents of her room.  Negotiations took a few days, but we narrowed it down to 3 favourites. Related: kinder teachers have the patience of saints.

BMX bandit is taking over the street.  Man, she is quite fast. Or, I actually could be quite slow.

22 weeks hey?

How am I? Tired. And bloody sore.  I am seeing an Osteopath, who is being quite mean to my muscles.  I have somehow lost another kilo, and have a lot of punnets of tomatoes in my fridge that tell me that, that craving is done and dusted.

I have had many moments this week, where I have just cried.  I am sore. I am tired.  I am.. well quite pregnant.

And there she is.  Another lady for our ladies day.

Loz xx

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